Onboarding Developers

Gravity Hub has a clear developers base growth strategy in place:

  • Revolutionary Game Publishing Platform: Gravity Hub redefines game publishing by offering feature parity with Steam. Games published on Steam can now be seamlessly ported to Gravity Hub with minimal effort and no compromises.

  • Transparent and Secure Business Practices: Gravity Hub ensures trust and security through blockchain technology, eliminating the possibility of sales report tampering. Developers no longer need to rely on platform owners; our decentralized blockchain network safeguards them against fraud. Collaborations between developers and publishers also benefit from Gravity Hub's advanced trustless features.

  • Advanced Developer Marketing Tools: Gravity Hub is engineered to provide developers with cutting-edge marketing tools to thrive in today's competitive marketplace.

  • Developer-Centric Practices: Gravity Hub prioritizes developers by offering a larger revenue share, enhanced data analytics, and facilitating direct relationships with gamers.

  • Expedited Payouts: Unlike traditional publishing platforms that typically pay out 30 to 60 days after sales, Gravity Hub offers faster sales payouts. This enables developers to maintain sales momentum at launch by reinvesting in real-time marketing campaigns directly from sales.

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